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Leadership Impact 360

A powerful development tool for highlighting leader identity vs leader perception.

The Leadership Impact 360 online assessment gathers feedback from a range of key stakeholders on a leaders impact across nine critical business areas. Generated from the Wave Leadership Impact 360 questionnaire, the report can be used for:

  • Personal development
  • Coaching and leadership progression
  • Leadership development
  • Delivering insightful feedback

The Leadership Impact 360 report, available for accredited users, is directly aligned to our 3P Leadership Impact Model which consists of the three P’s of leadership; Professional, People, and Pioneering representing the three main approaches to effective workplace leadership.

The Leadership Impact Expert Report is directly aligned to the Impact 360, and when used in conjunction they become an extremely powerful leadership development tool, providing a comprehensive overview of leadership across impact, potential and performance.


Only 360 tool available giving an organisational perspective of leadership impact.
Directly matches to our 3P model and Leadership Impact and Risk Reports to provide a holistic view of an individual.
Qualitative and quantitative feedback adds richness, and provides examples to complement numerical ratings.
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Self-Service or Managed Service

Completion Time

10 minutes - Leadership Impact 360

Accreditation Required