Psychometric tests are standardised assessments of psychological attributes like verbal reasoning, personality or career interest. They typically involve measurement and quantification and therefore promote objectivity.
The standardised and objective nature of psychometric testing makes assessments a fair and legally defensible metric on which to base talent decisions. In fact, good psychometric assessments have consistently been shown to better predict job success than other selection methods (including resumes, cover letters and assessment centres) and therefore provide better diagnostics in the selection process.
Assessments offer the highest return on investment when placed at the forefront of the recruitment cycle. Highly-valid psychometric assessments provide the most accurate predictions of job performance, over and above traditional assessment methods. By placing them at the front end of the process, recruiters are equipped with the right information about their candidates from the get-go.
Picking the right assessment depends on many factors including the purpose of testing, job role and scope of the project. Our consultants are specialists in understanding what is needed to achieve the desired outcomes and support clients in picking the right assessment.
All of our assessments are accompanied by a Preparation Guide. These provide instructions and support on how to best prepare for the test along with a series of practice questions. This helps test-takers understand the assessment process and calm their nerves.